Buckeye Maker
Originally uploaded by terrancemanion
Tommy is staring at the refrigerator waiting for the buckeyes to be ready.
Thomas Kenneth Manion
Tommy is staring at the refrigerator waiting for the buckeyes to be ready.
The family made it out to Southern Belle farms and the Bobby Cox Corn maze.
Tommy and Wilson pay more attention to the food than football game.
Tommy and his friend Wilson eat all the chips and queso and I am not exaggerating here
Aunt Maureen and Uncle Enrico make sure Tommy is ready just in case Pirlo can't go.
Tommy runs the bases at Turner Field during our annual braves-buccos game.
Tommy is sporting the 2006 Italian Kit that Uncle Enrico sent after Italy won the World Cup. Please, no one tell Tommy is says Jack on the back on it..
Another beautiful spring day. Our yard has never looked better thanks to lots of attention from Terrance.
The boys with their baskets filled with a few of their favorite things. The Easter Bunny was a big hit this year.
Tommy and Mommy also go on a special hunt at St. Thomas More. Tommy found a few eggs and then hit the playground. Jack had eaten enough chocolate earlier in the week and stayed home with Dad.
Jack scores with a fancy chicken egg. No stopping the chocolate eating frenzy.
Lots of chocolate, friends and fun.
Lots of more neighborhood egg hunt picture
Big talk from Tommy all afternoon about the parrot. But, not quite ready to shake his hand.
Enjoying the Pirates vs. Twins. What could be better than front row seats with Pap Pap on a sunny/breezy Sunday?
Wilson, Tommy and Alex race through the halls of the Suttles Center.
Tommy loves his new gloves. Can't say the same for his desire to play in the snow (he had to be carried everywhere). We're heading out again this morning to try to build a snowman.
Tommy's new sweater arrived just in time for our "blizzard". Thanks Uncle Enrico.
The boys love their cousin Anika and are teaching her all kinds of crazy moves.
Yum! Mango and Lemon ice on the beach in Key West. Even though it was cold, we managed to finish it off.
We finally were able to capture a butterfly in a picture.
We visited the Butterfly Conservatory on Key West. It was amazing, with hundreds of butterflies whooshing by your head. Tommy loved it.
After 2 hikes in the woods with no success, Tommy and Mom finally spot a key deer in someone's driveway. Look back into the distance and maybe you'll see her too.