Manion Synchro Swimming Team
Originally uploaded by terrancemanion
A late afternoon dip. Tommy shocked us all when he swam the whole way across the pool. The swimvest from Grandma rocks!
Thomas Kenneth Manion
A late afternoon dip. Tommy shocked us all when he swam the whole way across the pool. The swimvest from Grandma rocks!
A fun day at the beach. Waves, sunshine, beach football, sandcastle building and a little rock crab. A little too much seaweed but other than that, perfect.
Getting ready for a big New Years Eve! Our little parrot head! He was born to be in the Florida keys.
All aboard! The Christmas Express is leaving the station. Choo Choo.
All the boys looking festive in their Church clothes.
Another awesome picture of the kids from our annual Derrydown pumpkin carving. New faces are Quinn and Marley, siblings of Lyric and Maddie. And Marley's bday is Halloween, she turned 1 last night, how fun.
It took him a year longer than Jack to grow enough hair for a haircut, but we finally got there.
Tommy is ready for cake! Right now! What is the hold up?
Friends include Avery, Katherine, Jack with Sammy Bear, Adam, Isabel and Ellis.
Friends and cake, what could be better? The way Thomas gulped down his piece, you'd never know that this was his 3rd celebration this week.
All through dinner, all Thomas could say was hoop, hoop, hoop
Thomas couldn't wait to open an early birthday present from his grandparents.
Tommy's first birthday gift arrived in the mail today and he is all smiles.
Who would believe that 20 minutes later Tommy would be screaming for more lobster, lobster, lobster.
I still cannot believe Brio nearly filed for bankruptcy in March. Who does not want to play with a Brio train?
Tommy quickly learns the benefits of burying his brother in sand.
Correction- A Hammock is Dad's Fancy Swing
Tommy and his infant room class got together Saturday at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens before Tommy, Daniel, & Caroline move up to Toddler 1 class Monday.
Tommy strikes his renowned "happy baby" pose, before yelling at his personal assistant (Mom) that he did not want peach yogurt. he wanted strawberry yogurt.
At first glance this picture looks remarkably like the other one I posted of the Derrydown'ers. When I looked at it the next day I couldn't stop laughing. It appears that everyone one of the kids (including the baby Linzie) seems to be reacting to something that Tommy did that was less-than-appropriate. Avery's (far left) reaction had me in stitches.
The Derrydown'ers enjoy the spoils of their Easter egg plundering.
Snow finally arrives in Atlanta and we are making the most of it.
I am thinking we should have got Tommy a Casey Hampton jersey instead of a Hines Ward based on his eating habits. Go Steelers.
I challenge you to find Tommy in this picture. He's there. You have to look closely.
Tommy quickly figured out the candy is usually in the stocking.